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Jonas was a vampire. He wasn't a usual vampire, he was special, the chosen one. But he hadn't always been. He was human once.
This was a short novella that played as a bit of an origin story for Jonas. It is entirely from his point of view, flashing back and forth between his past life and his current one.
Jonas is a really intriguing character. So much is unknown about him, and this novella answers quite a few questions, while making you want to know him more. His origin is heartbreaking. As you read, your heart bleeds and your chest just bursts open. He rages, and you want to rage right along with him. It's awful, what happened to him, and it's saddening that this kind of thing was very real back then.
I was happy that I read this after I had finished Intangible. It wouldn't have mattered, storywise, as it only set up Jonas' place in the story a bit more. I liked reading this after though as I feel that knowing his origin has forever changed my outlook and opinion of him. I had more fun falling for his character in Intangible, and I feel like it would've been corrupted had I known this first. His origin makes you want to feel sorry for him, and if he could jump from the pages, I think he would be upset with you for feeling as such.
Definitely was worth the read, especially if you are as captured by this series as I am, but I do recommend reading it after Intangible. I think it will make it a better series for you if you do.