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Blood-Kissed Sky
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Awry (The Archers of Avalon, #2)

Awry - Chelsea Fine Scarlet Jacobs is cursed to live a short life and be "reborn" some time later. When Scarlet dies and then reawakens to the life she was just in, she knows the curse is changing. Along with her band of immortal friends and her mortal best friend, they must race to find the fountain of youth before she dies again.

Oh my, Chelsea Fine can you do no wrong?

This book was fantastic. The first one was wonderful, but this was so much more wonderful. I loved the flashbacks, I loved being able to see why Scarlet was engaged to Gabriel when it was so obvious she loved Tristan. I adored her and Tristan's courtship, it was just so very much like them.

I loved Heather before, I adore her now. I want a Heather of my own. Nate really opens up in this book and is just the funniest geek ever. I like that Gabriel and Scarlet work through their relationship, but I can't help but feel sorry for him. I would love to see him and Heather get together at some point.

The plot really opens up and thickens as things go on. Mr. Brooks' part in things was unsettling but at the same time, I think it was fine since he is so much of a hermit and you find that he is involved in his own way.

Overall this book was fantastic. I was dreading the ending, knowing this couldn't be the end of the story. I am just thankful that the cliffhanger isn't as horrible and heartwrenching as it was in Anew. Fantastic novel, fantastic series. I eagerly await more.